ok answering my own question it is quite simple using setFitWidth/setFitHeight already today.

ImageView renderingView ....

renderingView.setFitWidth(width / scaleFactor);
renderingView.setFitHeight(height / scaleFactor);

I already tested that before sending out this mail but unfortunately it did not work because I had a reflection effect on the parent node and it took the whole day to track down that I run a bug with the Reflection-Effect I documented at [1].


[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8278170

Am 02.12.21 um 11:35 schrieb Tom Schindl:

I'm try to get a HiDPI-Image produced by an external application into JavaFX using WritableImage.

In the end the situation is comparable to what you get today when loading an image from an URL (eg sam...@2.png) where JavaFX sets the appropriate image pixelScale on "com.sun.prism.Image".

If I'm not completely mistaken I would need an new API on PixelBuffer to containing the pixelScale who is used QuantumImage to create an appropriate "com.sun.prism.Image" who has eg the pixelScale = 2.0 because I fed in a HiDPI-Image already.

Before filing an ehancement I wanted to bring this up here because maybe I'm missing something obvious or maybe my proposal makes totally no sense.


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