Joe Bordes schrieb:
> Finally I passed the emails over using fetchmail which I already have
> configured and working in the new system. The only inconvenient is that
> the emails on the new system are all dated today. But it is a minor
> problem.

Although you have managed to import your emails I'd like to share some 
experiences of mine.

If migrating from one email-server to the other you will often have to 
convert between different storage formats, i.e. maildir, mbox etc:

   One IMHO convenient way is to fire up "mutt", configure email-storage 
format for it and do a 'tag/save'. That way you will receive a local 
copy of the remote mailboxes which you can import into whatever your 
desire is.
   Or you could use (i.e.) Outlook and just drag and drop the whole 
hierarchy. (Make sure to grant yourself access to every mailbox before 
doing this.)

   Or you might want to give "imapsync" [1] a try.

Just placing a email-file in the appropriate mailbox (thus somewhere in 
/var/spool/imap) won't let cyrus-imapd care about it. You will have to 
run a 'reconstruct' on that corresponding folder and you're ready.
   (Ab-)using that tool will save you a lot of trouble and make any 
migration really smooth and easy.


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