Hi all,

Previously, the only repositories we had for the nightly Linux builds were:
release, stable, nightly, nightly-ubuntu, source nightly

This was a bit limiting because for example there was no release version
of the ubuntu build and you could not automatically build the release
version from source.

Our build infrastructure has been modified, making it easier to add new
versions of apt-based operating systems. As a start, we have builds for
Ubuntu Lucid (10.04 LTS), Precise (12.04 LTS), Quantal (12.10, current),
and Debian Squeeze (Stable). If you feel that an OS is very much missing
(maybe Debian testing), feel free to ask for it. Ubuntu 10.10 11.04
11.10 are minor releases so I figured everyone already upgraded from
them or are using the LTS release instead.

The apt.sources line to use is (for example):
deb http://build.openmodelica.org/apt precise nightly

For details, see:

Martin Sjölund

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