If it's added as a ticket, it would be in the Run-time component. If it's just added as a bullet in the text, it'd go under (OMC).

Martin Sjölund

On 02/20/2013 09:58 PM, Bill Janssen wrote:
What "component" would this be?  Run-time?


Martin Sjölund <martin.sjol...@liu.se> wrote:

I think you have edit rights for the release notes:

I was going to say write a bullet and reference the commits (r15009
r15011), but they are not very helpful, are they? So I guess ask
Lennart for the rationale. I can't recall any conversations taking
place to change them.

Martin Sjölund

On 02/20/2013 07:33 PM, Bill Janssen wrote:
Looks like the command-line switches changed recently, from "-f
XML_INIT_FILE" to "-f=XML_INIT_FILE", and from "-r OUTPUTFILE" to
"-r=OUTPUTFILE".  Might break a lot of downstream code (broke mine).
Should be prominently mentioned in the release notes.

Is there a MA spec for this that you are complying with, or was it just
an internal decision?


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