When I say,

  omc +help=debug

I see this:

  The debug flag takes a comma-separated list of flags which are used by the
  compiler for debugging. Flags prefixed with - will be disabled.

So I try it:

  omc +debug=solveinitialsystem,dumpinitialsystem rlc_series.mo 
ModelicaServices Modelica

and get

  Error: Invalid type of flag debug, expected a string but got a list of values.
  Error: Unknown option debug.

Or I try this:

  omc +debug="solveinitialsystem,dumpinitialsystem" rlc_series.mo 
ModelicaServices Modelica

and get this:

  Error: Invalid type of flag debug, expected a string but got a list of values.
  Error: Unknown option debug.

What's the right way to do this?


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