Hi again,

OpenModelica.org is back online.
Everything is in order as far
as I can tell.

Many thanks to Martin for doing
the work of moving computers and
hard disks around.

Adrian Pop/

On 2013-11-21 10:19, Adrian Pop wrote:

Hi all,

Just a bit of info about openmodelica.org unavailability.

Adrian Pop/

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: openmodelica.org is down (SVN, Trac, www, ssh)
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:30:29 +0100
From: Adrian Pop <adrian....@liu.se>
Reply-To: <openmodelicadevelop...@ida.liu.se>
To: openmodelicadevelop...@ida.liu.se <openmodelicadevelop...@ida.liu.se>

On 2013-11-20 21:52, Adrian Pop wrote:

Hi all,

It seems that openmodelica.org does not work anymore.
Hopefully there is just some glitch and we'll get it
to work tomorrow after a restart.

Adrian Pop/

Hi all,

openmodelica.org will be down for some time.

It seems that after ~7 years the openmodelica.org
Dell PowerEdge SC1430 seems to have started to fail.

As far as we can tell until now either the
RAID controller or one of the HDDs from
RAID 1 mirror has gone bad.

We'll keep you updated on how the work goes
on making it work again.

Adrian Pop/

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