
Comments inline ...

On 2015-04-13 11:06, Per Oberg wrote:
I have now put the library in it's current version on Github, se [1]
below. The latest version includes the fixes i mentioned in my last post.

Very good! I wanted to ask if that's possible (to put it in github)
in my last email but forgot to do so.

The examples that are working in openModelica 1.9.2 Beta 1 are:

* energyPreservationTest.mo

* throttleSanityCheck.mo

The example that is not working is

* SIEngineTest

*Code to reproduce:*






simulate(MVEMLib.Examples.SIEngineTest, stopTime=15, method="dassl",

Unfortunately I don't have a track-account yet for my new address. Maybe
I should get one.

You have an old one. I'll change the email address
in it and let you know the details via email.

Adrian Pop/

[1] https://github.com/droberg/Modelica-MVEM.git

Best regards

​Per Öberg

Wolfram MathCore AB
Teknikringen 1F
SE-583 30 Linköping
Phone: +46 13 32 85 00 <tel:%2B46%2013%2032%2085%2000>
Fax: +46 13 21 27 01 <tel:%2B46%2013%2021%2027%2001>

Please visit us at: www.wolframmathcore.com
<http://www.wolframmathcore.com/> or www.wolfram.com

*Från: *"Adrian Pop" <adrian....@liu.se>
*Till: *openmodelicainterest@ida.liu.se
*Skickat: *fredag, 10 apr 2015 19:54:23
*Ämne: *Re: Comments and questions about Media support


Comments inline ...

On 2015-04-10 15:45, Per Oberg wrote:
 > Hello
 > Some years ago I developed a library for mean value engine modeling in
 > Modelica (as part of the openProd project), see  [1] below. I recently
 > went back and checked if there had been any development on the parts
 > that failed in openModelica last time, and to my surprise it now looks
 > very good and some of the models works quite well.

Good to know.

 > So, first of all: Good job to you all!
 > (When I tried it last time it didn't work at all due to all kinds of
 > reasons)
 > To get it to work reasonable well I had to change some questionable code
 > that probably wasn't right in the first place. This made the smaller
 > examples work and their output is the same as when running with dymola.
 > For the larger example it still fails however. It flattens but I cant
 > get it to simulate.
 > The reported error is as follows:
 > record SimulationResult
 > resultFile = "",
 > messages = "Failed to build model: MVEMLib.Examples.SIEngineTest"
 > end SimulationResult;
 > "Warning: The initial conditions are not fully specified. Use
 > +d=initialization for more information.
 > Warning: There are iteration variables with default zero start
 > attribute. Use +d=initialization for more information.
 > Internt fel function createNonlinearResidualEquationsComplex* failed
 > for: ({-sIEngine.exhaustTemperatureDrop.InPut.dmXi[1],
 > -sIEngine.exhaustTemperatureDrop.InPut.dmXi[2],
 > -sIEngine.exhaustTemperatureDrop.InPut.dmXi[3],
 > -sIEngine.exhaustTemperatureDrop.InPut.dmXi[4],
 > -sIEngine.exhaustTemperatureDrop.InPut.dmXi[5],
 > -sIEngine.exhaustTemperatureDrop.InPut.dmXi[6]},
 > sIEngine.adiabaticBurner.dummyOutput) =
 > sIEngine.adiabaticBurner.UnburnedInPut.dmXi[2],
 > sIEngine.forcedMassFlow.InPut.dmXi[1]}, sIEngine.exhaustManifold.gas.T)
 > Is there anything I can do about this, like specifying initial values
 > better or is it a bug?

As far as I can see right now it does look like a bug.

 > ​ [1] http://www.fs.isy.liu.se/Software/Modelica-MVEMLib/

Per, is this the latest version or you have some newer code?
You mentioned above some changes to the code, are they included?

I ask because we need to debug this with the code your used.
By the way what model did you ran from the library to get
to this errors?
I suggest you add a Trac ticket with more details and we'll
look into it.

Adrian Pop/

 > Per Öberg
 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > Wolfram MathCore AB
 > Teknikringen 1F
 > SE-583 30 Linköping
 > Sweden
 > Phone: +46 13 32 85 00 <tel:%2B46%2013%2032%2085%2000>
 > Fax: +46 13 21 27 01 <tel:%2B46%2013%2021%2027%2001>
 > Please visit us at: www.wolframmathcore.com
 > <http://www.wolframmathcore.com/> or www.wolfram.com
 > <http://www.wolfram.com/>

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