Dear All,

OpenModelica 1.9.4 beta2 is now available at

You are welcome to test it!

We will do the final 1.9.4 release probably the

last week in February after a bit more testing.


The OpenModelica 1.9.4-beta2 is now available 

This OpenModelica 1.9.4 Beta2 release includes a number of improvements 
compared to the 1.9.3 release.

The final 1.9.4 release is planned end of February. The current blocker tickets 
we are still investigating for the final release can be found at: OpenModelica 
 From the list #3477 and #3630 should be fixed, the others are investigated now.

A number of improvements in the OpenModelica graphic model editor OMEdit (also 
*       Undo/Redo support.
*       Preserving text formatting, including indentation and whitespace. This 
is especially important for diff/merge with several collaborating developers 
possibly using several different Modelica tools.
*       Better support for inherited classes.
*       Allow simulating models using visual studio compiler.
*       Support for saving Modelica package in a folder structure.
*       Allow reordering of classed inside a package.
*       Highlight matching parentheses in text view.
*       When copying the text retain the text highlighting and formatting.

Several improvements in the OpenModelica model compiler and simulator:
*       Improved simulation speed for many models. simulation speed went up for 
80% of the models.      The compiler frontend became faster for almost all 
models, average about 30% faster.

Improvements in the OpenModelica FMI 2.0 support
*       Full FMI 2.0 co-simulation support now available.

Thanks to All who contributed to this release!
Best regards,
Peter Fritzson and Adrian Pop

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