
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 03:45:28PM +0200, Freddie Chopin wrote:
> OK, we're getting closer - now I see the threads in Eclipse most of the  
> time.

Nice, that's at least something :)

> I have two threads and a breakpoint in each of them. I run the code and  
> hit the breakpoint in first thread a few times and when I expect the  
> code to finally reach the second thread... the debugger stops in  
> vPortYieldFromISR() continuously - nothing helps but removing the  
> breakpoint(s).

I see... I'm not the author of the rtos awareness code, merely a user,
but probably i (or other interested ML subscribers) would be able to
understand the issue after reproducing. Can you please provide the
sources for your blinker project (i won't be able to try them before
monday, unfortunately)? What i suspect is that it's some subtle
difference between your project and those i was working with
successfully that makes OpenOCD misbehave.

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