On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 04:23:42PM +1000, Stuart Longland (VK4MSL) wrote:
> Okay, I located pin 15 on the ribbon, scored either side with a scalpel,
> then cut it neatly with a pair of side cutters.

Is it possible you can disassemble your usb-tiny-h dongle and draw the
schematics by visually inspecting the board? It would allow to fix the
config file to work with all the lines, including SRST (which is
sometimes really necessary) properly.

> Under Gentoo with the live git ebuild, I had to add in a line to the
> ./configure:
> >     econf \
> >             $(use_enable dummy) \
> >             $(use_enable ftdi ft2232_libftdi) \
> Add this here:  $(use_enable ftdi ftdi) \

Nice, please submit that to their bugtracker system (do not forget to
add dependency for libusb-1.x though). Probably ft2232_libftdi
deserves its own use flag or even should be removed altogether given
the ftdi driver is quite mature by now.

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