Zach Welch wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-05-10 at 22:31 +0200, Magnus Lundin wrote:
>>> So some progress, but nothing more ;)
>>> (all: Above error is from TCL script containing "ocd_mem2array 
>>> romtable_cid 32 [expr ($debugbase&0xFFFFF000) + 0xFF0] 4")
>>> Do you have any special patches or do I need any special configure 
>>> option to enable (& compile) tclapi.c?
>> Standard build, nothing special, sometimes an extra (perhaps 
>> unneccessary) round of
>> automake
>> make clean
>> ./configure   --enable-jlink   --enable-ft2232_libftdi    
>> --enable-maintainer-mode    --enable-parport
>> make
>>> As already mentioned, looking into the code: ocd_mem2array is 
>>> registered in tclapi_register_commands() in tclapi.c. But: It seems to 
>>> me that tclapi_register_commands()  isn't called anywhere, and even 
>>> worse, tclapi.c isn't compiled. I even can't find it in any
>> ocd_mem2array is also registered in target.c : 
>> target_register_user_commands, line 1302 in head
>> I really suspect that tclapi.c is redundant, but I dont know
> D'oh.  I should have done some more research on my own, but I figured it
> was safer to bet that I was premature to remove it.  But sure enough,
> your discovery made me look around, and tclapi.c appears to be entirely
> redundant at this point:
> "ocd_mem2array" and "ocd_array2mem" are in target.c
> "ocd_flash_banks" is in flash.c
> "drscan" is in jtag.c.
> So... I was originally correct to remove it, and I have now done so
> again because I think that it just introduced a substantial regression.
> The patch has effectively been reversed in r1694.  Sorry for the noise.
> The irony is that I nuked tclapi.c to eliminate possible confusion!

It seems that Strontium's mem2array issue is fixed with Øyvind's patch 
(see previous mail), now :) But seems that my issue isn't :(

To remember, my issue was and is that I can't execute 'ocd_mem2array'.

r1800 (with Øyvind's patch) gives me

-- cut --
 > version
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.2.0-in-development (2009-05-17-07:51) svn:1800
 > omap3.cpu mem2array dataval 32 [expr "0x54011000 + 0 * 4"] 1
 > ocd_mem2array dataval 32 [expr "0x54011000 + 0 * 4"] 1
invalid command name "ocd_mem2array_dataval"
called at file "command.c", line 453
called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 89
called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 93
-- cut --

Most probably I do some stupid thing wrong here, but I can't see it at 
the moment :(

Best regards

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