>Hmm ... is this a bug you've observed, or is this something
>you've wondered after poking through the code?

>I recall setting breakpoints through the Tcl interface and
>having them behave correctly. Haven't tried to do that any
>time recently, though. And I could believe there's a bit
>of a semantic conflict between debug via GDB and via Tcl;
>not one we want, of course!!

I found that the breakpoint and step operations take no effect when debugging 
with GDB 
while everything is OK in TCL interfaces. Then I found the problem after poking 
through the code.  
The problem is resolved when I modified gdb_step_continue_packet() in 
gdb_server.c by calling 
target_resume() with handle_breakpoints=true which is false originally. But I'm 
not sure weather 
the modification is correct because we can see from the code below that the 
designer had done that 
in special purpose.

                retval = target_resume(target, current, address, 0, 0); /* 
resume at current address, don't handle breakpoints, not debugging */

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