The following OpenPKG Contribution Area operation occurred.
uploaded RPM file "REJECTED.REJECTED.apt-0.5.5cnc6-fr1.src.rpm" rejected -- deleted.
No action is required on your part.

Information about REJECTED.REJECTED.apt-0.5.5cnc6-fr1.src.rpm follows:
| File:
| REJECTED.REJECTED.apt-0.5.5cnc6-fr1.src.rpm: RPM v4 src i386 apt-0.5.5cnc6-fr1
| Strings:
| apt-0.5.5cnc6-fr1
| 0.5.5cnc6
| Debian's Advanced Packaging Tool with RPM support.
| A port of Debian's apt tools for RPM based distributions, or at least
| originally for Conectiva and now Red Hat Linux. It provides the apt-get
| utility that provides a simpler, safer way to install and upgrade packages.
| APT features complete installation ordering, multiple source capability and
| several other unique features.
| Available rpmbuild rebuild options :
| --without : scripts
| /GPL
| System Environment/Base
| sources.list.ppc
| sources.list.i386
| RPM-GPG-KEY.freshrpms
| vendors.list
| apt.conf
| apt-0.5.5cnc6.tar.bz2
| apt-0.5.5cnc5-nodigest.patch
The OpenPKG Project                          
Developer Communication List                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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