The following OpenPKG Contribution Area operation occurred.
uploaded RPM specfile "ifhp.spec" accepted -- moved to contrib area.
No action is required on your part.

Information about ifhp.spec follows:
| #   package information
| Name:         ifhp    
| Summary:      Printer filter for HP LaserJet printers
| URL:
| Vendor:               Patrick Howell
| Packager:     CIS
| Distribution: OpenPKG [PLUS]
| Group:                Services
| License:      Artistic
| Version:      3.5.17
| Release:      20040518
| #   package options
| %option       with_snmp     yes
| #   list of sources
| Source0:{version}.tgz
| #   build information
| Prefix:               %{l_prefix}
| BuildRoot:    %{l_buildroot}
| BuildPreReq:  OpenPKG, openpkg, gcc, make, file, a2ps, ghostscript
| PreReq:               OpenPKG, openpkg, file, a2ps, ghostscript
| %if "%{with_snmp}" == "yes"
| BuildPreReq:    perl-net
| PreReq:         perl-net
| %endif
| AutoReq:      no
| AutoReqProv:  no
| %description
|     The ifhp filter is a general purpose print filter that can handle a wide
|     variety of text, PostScript, PCL, and PJL printers. These include all
|     known HP printers, PostScript supporting printers, as well as a wide
|     variety of Tektronix, QMS, Epson, etc. 
|     The filter provides support for error message reporting, diagnostics,
|     and format conversions, as well as a vast variety of options that can be
|     used to deal with difficult or vintage printers.
| %prep
|     #   unpack and patch distribution
|     %setup -q
| %build
|     #   configure package
|     PATH=%{l_bindir}:${PATH} \
|     CC="%{l_cc}" \
|     CFLAGS="%{l_cflags -O}" \
|     CPPFLAGS="%{l_cppflags}" \
|     LDFLAGS="%{l_ldflags}" \
|     ./configure \
|         --prefix=%{l_prefix} \
|         --sysconfdir=%{l_prefix}/etc/ifhp \
|         --disable-shared \
|         --disable-nls \
|         --disable-foomatic \
| %if "%{with_snmp}" == "yes"
|         --enable-snmp=yes \
| %else
|         --disable-snmp \
| %endif
|         --disable-gscheck \
|         --disable-foomatic
|     #   build package
|     %{l_make} %{l_mflags}
| %install
|     rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
|     %{l_make} %{l_mflags} install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
|     %{l_rpmtool} files -v -ofiles -r$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
|         %{l_files_std} \
|         '%config %{l_prefix}/etc/ifhp*'
| %files -f files
| %clean
|     rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
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