On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 05:22:21PM -0800, David M. Fetter wrote:


> Also, I still might have to
> maintain that none of the rpms should ever do a restart on their own.
> This should be a controlled thing that is done through some
> administrative function.  In our environment, one of the biggest
> problems with OpenPKG right now is that they all want to restart on on
> upgrade.  We cannot have this happen without explicit control and timing
> over it.

I guess this is an eternal discussion. In my world upgrading
isn't a safe operation either and the minimum that must be
done with an upgrade is an automated _shutdown_ of the old
service because doing nothing is better than doing something wrong.

In a production environment you need some kind of configuration
management. Deployment then starts with shutting down services,
continues with rolling out the new version, installing new
configuration files from a repository, and finally restarting
services. If you can't take that downtime (and we are still
talking about minutes) then you want a high availability
solution anyway.

This is nothing that OpenPKG provides out of the box.

For the non-productive environment I believe the automated restart
of services is a convenience.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."
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