Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

Seems like "lipo" is some sort of a tool for the Universal Binaries
stuff of Mac OS X

Yup. The name made more sense when they were called "fat binaries"...
http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/ man1/lipo.1.html

It's part of "cctools".

and the generated libgcc_s.10.4.dylib file seems to be
not carrying the information it expects.

It's possible that one *could* hack the GCC build scripts to
not build a Universal Binary version of the shared libraries,
or even convince it to make a static version of libgcc - like
the one that Panther (10.3) used to have. But it doesn't work
"out of the box", as the default scripts assume Mac OS X style
(see the GNUmakefile in the Apple gcc tarball for build process).

Hmmm.. but for the generation
of this file now the Mac OS X tool chain is used.

I think the Darwin port of GCC is not complete, and has a few
dependencies on the Mac OS X's cctools hardcoded in it still...
Think most of that comes from the fact that binutils/gas et al
doesn't really understand the Mach-O binary format all too well ?

Having FSF binutils and FSF gcc on Darwin would have been nice,
and this was what the old OpenDarwin project was trying to do.
But there was just not enough interest in doing such a port, so
most people are now just using whatever Apple provides instead...

For info, see for instance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDarwin
There was also the GNU-Darwin project and the Free Darwin campaign.

Why to the hell is
this Mac OS X platform such "different" and is not willing to just play
nicely with us!?

Mac OS X is only *based* on Unix, it's not really a standard Unix*.
Darwin was almost a BSD, but it's not really stand-alone anymore...
So playing with Darwin is a little like playing with Cygwin... :-P
But that doesn't say that most of the OpenPKG packages won't work ?

Both the Fink and the DarwinPorts/MacPorts projects have been able
to build a lot of the software available for Mac OS X into packages.

But I don't think that you can use the FSF binutils/gcc to do so,
but have to use the Apple cctools/gcc (or Darwin odcctools/gcc) ?


* PS. And then we haven't even started on resource forks or Carbon,
      or the other things from Mac OS present in this hybrid OS :-)

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