
I added boost to a software stack that contains gcc44 with the gcc option
set to yes, but rpm admonished a missing dependency although gcc44 was in
fact compiled with_cxx:

$ openpkg rpm --rebuild /repo/current/SRC/EVAL/boost-1.40.0-20090829.src.rpm
Installing /repo/current/SRC/EVAL/boost-1.40.0-20090829.src.rpm
error: Failed build dependencies:
        gcc::with_cxx = yes is needed by boost-1.40.0-20090829

$ openpkg rpm -qi gcc44 | grep cxx
    gcc44::with_cxx = yes

To that end, can someone with commit rights add something like the following
to the upstream gcc44 spec - and ideally to newer/future gccs:

@@ -79,6 +79,12 @@
 AutoReqProv:  no
 %if "%{with_gcc}" == "yes"
 Provides:     gcc = %{version}-%{release}
+%if "%{with_cxx}" == "yes"
+Provides:     gcc::with_cxx
+%if "%{with_threads}" == "yes"
+Provides:     gcc::with_threads

RPM no longer complains and boost builds with gcc44:

$ openpkg rpm -qi gcc44 | grep cxx
    gcc44::with_cxx = yes


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