An important hint for those of you who want to run OpenPKG under Mac OS
X 10.6 (in addition or instead of the similar and also great MacPorts).
You can use OpenPKG mostly out-of-the-box except for one particular
issue: you need the "openpkg-darwin" package to replace the plain GNU
binutils and GNU gcc packages (as those two do not work out-of-the-box
under Mac OS X). The procedure to deploy an OpenPKG instance is:

| # initial deployment
| $ wget
| $ sh --prefix=/openpkg --tag=openpkg \
|                     --user=openpkg --group=openpkg
| $ sh openpkg-*-*.*
| $ /openpkg/bin/openpkg build openpkg-darwin | sh
| $ /openpkg/bin/openpkg build <whatever> | sh
| # regular upgrade
| $ /openpkg/bin/openpkg build -U -a -H openpkg-darwin | sh

The trick is to deploy the "openpkg-darwin" package (which will
virtually Provide "binutils" and "gcc" and create symlinks to the system
tools) and the "-H" option on upgrading. That's it. Everything else
should just work as expected. At least I'm using OpenPKG this way on my
Mac OS X 10.6.3 system now...

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall

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