>From or1200_ctrl.v, l.rfe can spend as little as two cycles in the
execute stage, verified in RTL simulation, while multicyclecnt[2:0]
gets decremented from 1 to 0.  It appears that SR is ready after the
first cycle, so it is probably a instruction fetch decode constraint
(maybe because there is no delay slot???).

---Matthew Hicks

On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Peter Gavin <pga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 9:32 PM, Matthew Hicks <firefal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Why do we need to make sure rfe and mfspr spend at least two clock
>> cycles in the execute stage.  I am working on a bug detection and
>> recovery system, and I am trying to write a stateless (i.e., I can
>> only read the current flip-flop values to determine if the bug is
>> active) detector for the rfe bug from a year ago.  I can not find a
>> way to tell if rfe spent a single cycle in the execute stage, which I
>> might be able to do if I understand why it requires two cycles in the
>> first place.
> Well, I can think of a good reason for mfspr needing 2 cycles.  It
> lets you read from the GPRs using certain SPR addresses, and the
> processor has to stall in order to free the read port on the register
> file in that case.
> rfe is probably handled at the last stage in the pipeline (can't say
> for sure, I haven't looked at the RTL).  So that means it will end up
> flushing the pipeline when it's executed.  So there actually be more
> than 2 cycles between it and the next instruction to be completed.
> -Pete
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