On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, Francesco D'Inzeo wrote:

> >Is it crucial that you have step-up?  Whilst crackable, 40/56 bit
> >encryption is usually fine for everyday use.
> >
> If you deal with Credit cards it' s a must on using high encryption and first
> of all the use of a "Verisign signed certificate". Visa,MasterCard,Amex,Diners
> state that if You don't want to get in troubles You have to equip Your Web
> server with a "Verisign high encryption signed certificate".

Then how do amazon, bol.com, all the UK banks do it?  I use 40 bit
encryption to them and they seem happy with this.  It's not worth picking
out my numbers (will take a while) for a CC with such a small limit.

Luke Ross (Fizzy Razzer) - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit http://lcr.sys3175.co.uk for geek code, other addresses, web page etc.

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