> It seems that is the same code than you can download here (from
> Summit Software
> Company) http://www.activescripting.org/html/download.html
> Code is clean and we will look at that to maybe implement "include".
> What are the other ASP command which missing ?
Yes, it is. The list below shows, which commands are there and which
are missing. If you would like to continue development of mod_ASP,
i can give you access to our cvs repository, if you like to.


Apache Active Scripting is a work in progress.  The following list shows
objects, methods, and properties are implemented, as well as any relevant

ObjectContext                   No

Request                         Partial (collection must be
Request.ClientCertificate       No
Request.QueryString             Yes
Request.Form                    Yes
Request.Cookies                 Yes
Request.ServerVariables         Yes
Request.TotalBytes              No
Request.BinaryRead              No

Response                                Partial
Response.Buffer                 Yes
Response.CacheControl           No
Response.Charset                        No
Response.ContentType            Yes
Response.Expires                        Yes
Response.ExpiresAbsolute        No      (almost supported)
Response.IsClientConnected      No
Response.Pics                   No
Response.Status                 No
Response.AddHeader              Yes
Response.AppendToLog            Yes
Response.BinaryWrite            Yes
Response.Clear                  Yes
Response.End                    Yes
Response.Flush                  Yes
Response.Redirect                       Yes
Response.Write                  Yes

Server                          Partial
Server.CreateObject             Yes
Server.HTMLEncode                       Yes
Server.MapPath                  Yes
Server.ScriptTimeout            No
Server.URLEncode                        Yes

Session                         Yes
Session.Abandon                 Yes
Session.CodePage                        No
Session.Contents                        Yes
Session.LCID                    No
Session.SessionID                       Yes
Session.StaticObjects           No
Session.Timeout                 Yes
Session_OnStart                 Yes
Session_OnEnd                   No

Application                             Yes
Application.Contents            Yes
Application.Lock                        Yes
Application.Unlock              Yes
Application.StaticObjects       No
Application_OnStart             Yes
Application_OnEnd                       No

Standard Base Components        No

Global.asa Note

Currently, the global.asa file is not supported - handlers for the
Application and Session events are being handled in the individual ASP
files for the time being.

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