Since no-one answered this, I can give my 0.02SEK. :)

Splitting the rendering is probably the way to go. Use two cameras with 
identical beacons but different near/far planes. That way, you'll avoid 
checking node's distances and so on. OpenSG will do the frustum culling 
automatically (assuming you haven't disabled it.)

Use two viewports (one for each camera), one in the back for further 
geometry and the next one for closer. The nearest-viewport should have a 
background that only erases the depth-buffer, not the color buffer. 
(This is possible in several ways. I don't know if there is a out-of-the 
box background for it. If not, one way is to go with a 
PolygonBackground, use a custom material that has colormask set to all 

I don't know the optimal 'middle plane' distance but I expect it to be 
in the "logarithmic average" of your desired near/far-planes. (i.e if 
you want 1 and 10000 the middle would be around 100). However, some 
gfx-vendors might employ magic tricks on z-buffer precision so your 
milage may vary. :)

I've never used OpenSGNav nor vrjuggler, so I don't know if that impedes 
my suggestion.


Alan Austin wrote:
>      We have a very large scene with some parts of it in very close 
> proximity.  There is nothing we can do to keep them from being so close, 
> it is a plan of the city of Beijing and the sizes of each block are 
> proportionate to their max building height city codes.  As we navigate 
> away from the scene, we lose depth precision and z-fighting occurs.  I 
> had read online that rendering in two stages is a possible solution, the 
> first being the nodes outside a certain radius, the second being those 
> within it, clearing the depth buffer between.  Is there a better way of 
> doing this with OpenSG?  Is there anything else that can be done?  If 
> this is the only solution, how would I go about doing it?  Any help 
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -Alan
> P.S. - Using a modified OpenSGNav bundled with vrjuggler

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