
On Wed, 2014-06-04 at 10:57 +0200, Marcel Weiler wrote:
> Hi all,
> for instanced rendering I want to give the instanced Geometry core an 
> attribute that represents a per-instance position offset. I know how to 
> set the usual indices and positions, but how do I add custom vertex 
> attributes?
> I tried setting the property to binding location 1 using Snippet 
> geo->setProperty(offsets, 1) but this causes the following warning:
> Snippet
> WARNING: GeoVectorProperty::activate: Non-Generic attribute nr. 1 unknown!
> and this approach does not work (the instances are not rendered with an 
> offset).
> I also tried misusing the colors property, but even though I set its 
> divisor to 1 it seemed to be advancing per vertex, not per instance.
> Am I even on the right track here? 

yes, this should work.

> Or do I have to set some properties in the GeoInstancer?

no, just the base geometry and the number of instances.
e.g. from the CSM example

     core GeoInstancer
       numInstances 4
       baseGeometry USE BaseGeometry

first quick one (and sorry if you have), have you looked at/tried
Examples/CSM/Instancing/SimpleDivisor ?

If yes, there is something weird going on with the example. Using
                       vec4 vVertex = gl_Vertex + vec4(
results in wrongly scaled/projected instances. This can be fixed by
changing the vertex position computation to 
                       vec4 vVertex = gl_Vertex + vec4(
                         gl_MultiTexCoord7.xwz, 0.);

The example uses attribut 15, but I quickly tried 1 and 3 and it works
as expected.

If you can, could also send me a .osg dump of the subgraph containing
the instancing (off-list is fine) and I can have a further look.

kind regards

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