
In the meanwhile, I've discovered that the original shader actually
works with a directional light, but not with a point light. Otherwise,
with my modification it works with the point light, but not with the
directional one.

To make both lights work, I added after the line

"    vec3 LightPosition = gl_LightSource[0];\n"

of the original shader the following lines:

"    if(gl_LightSource[0].position.w != 0.0)\n"
"        LightPosition -= vec3(gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex);\n"

Also, in the fragment shader I added the light color to the fragment
final color calculation:

"    color = clamp(gl_LightSource[0].diffuse.rgb * texcolor *
basecolor * intensity, 0.0, 1.0);\n"

Hope this makes sense to you :)



        Hello Christian,

On 07/28/2014 03:04 PM, Christian Bar wrote:
> I managed to make the QuadTreeTerrain rendering work inside my application.
> I changed the light position calculation inside the vertex shader. Now
> it is:
> "    vec3 LightPosition = gl_LightSource[0] -
> vec3(gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex);\n"
> I'm not a shader expert, but to me now it seems to work...

hmm, that changes the lighting from a directional to a (sort of) point
In the meantime I've noticed that my last change to the shader using
gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse was wrong; the tangent space vectors are first
transformed to eye-space, so the light direction can be left in
eye-space as well.

> If it's ok for you, can you commit this line, along with the
> modification you did in the other patch?

I've committed the other changes, but left the shader in its original
form. I feel uneasy changing it without some understanding why that is
the correct change.

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