Hello Victor,

On 11/08/2014 07:43 PM, Victor Haefner wrote:
> I have a small problem on my
> AMD Radeon HD 7500M/7600M
> - using colors per vertex works without shader
> - using colors per vertex and a shader accessing them with gl_Color
> works in older OpenSG 2
> - the variable gl_Color in the vertex shader is black with the newest
> version of OpenSG 2
> on nvidia I have no problems.
> the shader is a simple pass through shader
>      #version 120
>      void main( void ) {
>          gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix*gl_Vertex;
>          gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;
>      }
>      #version 120
>      GLSL(
>      void main( void ) {
>          gl_FragColor = gl_Color;
>      }
> but the problem applies to all my shaders accessing the color

hmm, sounds like it could be a problem with aliasing of the built-in 
attributes and generic (user defined) attributes. IIRC nvidia aliases 
generic attribute 0 with gl_Vertex and some other number with gl_Color 
etc. - other vendors don't do that.

> What information can I provide here to help find the issue?
> I tried gdebugger but it does not run on that system because of some
> library bug, I will look into it.

Can you try setting geo->setUseAttribCalls(true) on the relevant Geometry?
It would be helpful to know which code path in Geometry::drawPrimitives 
you hit (there is big 3 case if statement at the bottom of it) and if 
you make any changes to the fields Geometry::_sfUseVao or 
GeoProperty::_sfUsevbo from their defaults?


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