
On Thu, 2015-03-05 at 10:47 +0100, Johannes wrote:
> Hello Gerrit,
> good to here from you :-)
> >>>>> 2. OSGShaderCacheTree.inl: The ShaderCacheTreeV3::sub() method is imho
> >>>>> incorrect. The ShaderCache::clear() function currently does not work
> >>>>> properly. I was facing references to already destroyed ShaderCache
> >>>>> objects from ShaderProgramVariableChunks.
> >
> > for my understanding, what happens is you sub some cache entries and
> > later on Cache::clear the system tries to delete them again. Your patch
> > looks ok, though I'm still not sure where the subtle difference is ;).
> >
> > Is it easy to dump a dot file for this case.
> No it is not :-( The model with which I have worked on the issue was 
> rather big and I did have a complicated procedure list to reproduce the 
> error. I was able to find a way to get imho to the cause of the problem 
> in function 'void ShaderCacheTreeV3<ObjectT, LevelBits>::sub(UInt32 
> uiIdx)' but can't remember the steps which have taken me to this place 
> in detail. The problem is the missing '0x0000 != (i & uiCurrBits) &&' 
> part in the second 'if' statement. This leads to remaining entries in 
> the cache which do pop up later on.

ok, I see, that was the bit I missed ;(. 

> I do have some dot files and logging of instrumented code of the 
> original case. But I'm not sure that this information is of any help for 
> you.
> Attached you find what I do have. The session goes from program start to 
> crash. I did have the code somehow instrumented by adding member 
> '_oDbg_store' in the ShaderCache. I fill this set in the 
> 'updateRemoveCallback()' function for each 'addDestroyedFunctor' call. 
> The crash happens since this set is not empty in the ShaderCache destructor:
> ss << "ShaderCache::dtor = " << std::hex << this << " still in 
> _oDbg_store = " << *iter;
> For this reason, the living objects carrying the callback 
> 'ShaderCache::removeShaderVar' due to the 'addDestroyedFunctor' calls, 
> might execute the callback in the already destroyed ShaderCache object. 
> After inspection of the code I have found that the 'removeShaderVar' 
> function do not remove all entries in the '_oVarTree.sub(uiVarId);' call.
> I hope I could give you enough information to tackle the issue.

thanks, I committed the patch as it looks fine. I'll continue to look 
at your test cases, just in case there is something else lurking
around ;).

kind regards

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