Hello Christian,

On 2015-12-03 08:33, Christian Bar wrote:
> What I get is a crash when I call
> /externalVTKWidget->GetRenderWindow()->Render() /during the first render
> (called in the glut display function). Such crash do no happen when I
> use vtk and glut, withouth OpenSG.
> The crash is caused because vtk internally calls
> /glGetString(GL_VERSION)/, and this returns null, which obviously is an
> error. BTW, if I call /glGetString(GL_VERSION) /BEFORE
> /GLUTWindow->init()/, it returns the correct string ("4.5.0 NVIDIA
> 348.07"). Is glew somehow related to this? I thought that /GLUTWindow
> /already calls the /wglMakeCurrent/ (and related stuff), so I should
> already have a valid OpenGL context...
> BTW (again), /glGetString(GL_VERSION) /always return null after a
> /GLUTWindow->init()/, even if I do not use VTK.

the OpenSG windows only activate the GL context for the duration of the 
rendering and deactivate it when done, so anything outside of 
Window::render() typically does not have an active GL context.
You should be able to surround your additional rendering with 
GLUTWindow::activate()/deactivate() calls to get access to the context.

> Now, the real question is: do I have to build OpenSG and VTK in a way
> that makes them compatible? What are the CMAKE options that manage this?
> Has anyone ever tried to mix OpenSG and VTK?
> My machine runs Windows 8 and I am building the application with Visual
> Studio 2010 x64.

I don't think any additional care beyond the normal windows requirement 
not to mix debug/release libs is needed - but I haven't tried it.


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