
Sorry for the length post, so if you don't care about scripting or the
functions in scripting, you can safely ignore this email.

As some of you might be aware of from the IRC channel, I'm working on a
LSL->CIL compiler and a script engine, which will benefit from the
features gained by going directly to CIL. The compiler has been
completed for quite some time now, while work on the script engine has
been slow going. The existing llXXXXX functions has been integrated into
the engine, but the osXXXXX functions are lagging behind.

The osXXXXX functions causes some issues, primarily due to the fact that
the other compilers, go from LSL->C#->CIL, for this reason there has
been very little need to ensure that the parameter and return types has
a good match to the LSL language.

Especially string/key/UUID is problematic. In LSL strings and keys, are
distinct types, but share the same value domain, in the LSL->C#
compilers used by the core engine, this is handled via a rename of the
LSL_String, which means that LSL_Key is just a rename of LSL_String and
not really distinct types; on top of that, there are implicit
conversions between LSL_String (which is a value type) and System.String
(which is a reference type), making a distinction between LSL_String and
System.String un-needed.

I have been going over the osXXX functions, in an attempt to identify
problematic functions, and I submit the list and my findings in hopes of
getting a decision as to what their proper LSL signatures should be, I
have divided the problematic functions into groups depending on the
various problems:

1) Functions where string/key needs to be clarified
2) C# method overloading used, which would cause name conflicts in
"standard" LSL.
3) use of double
4) Use of bool
5) Use of uint
6) use of UUID
7) use of sleep

Some functions are marked with an asterisk, indicating that they appear
in several sections, e.g.
osSetEstateSunSettings(integer sunFixed, float sunHour)*

since sunFixed is defined as a bool and sunHour is defined as a double,
none of which are valid LSL types, consequently it is mentioned in both
section 3 and 4.

Ok, here goes my list:

First: Functions where string/key needs to be clarified

These functions does not appear to have made a clear distinction between
key and string, from examining the code, it would appear that the
signatures below matches the implementation (noted, dynamicID is never
used for anything in the osSetDynamicTexturexxxx functions)
key osSetDynamicTextureURL(key dynamicID, string contentType, string
url, string extraParams, integer timer)
key osSetDynamicTextureURLBlend(key dynamicID, string contentType,
string url, string extraParams, integer timer, integer alpha)
key osSetDynamicTextureURLBlendFace(key dynamicID, string contentType,
string url, string extraParams, integer blend, integer disp, integer
timer, integer alpha, integer face)*
key osSetDynamicTextureData(key dynamicID, string contentType, string
data, string extraParams, integer timer)
key osSetDynamicTextureDataBlend(key dynamicID, string contentType,
string data, string extraParams, integer timer, integer alpha)
key osSetDynamicTextureDataBlendFace(key dynamicID, string contentType,
string data, string extraParams, bool blend, integer disp, integer
timer, integer alpha, integer face)
string osGetGridAgentIP(key)
osTeleportAgent(key agent, vector position, vector lookat)*
osTeleportAgent(key agent, string regionName, vector position, vector
osTeleportAgent(key agent, integer regionX, integer regionY, vector
position, vector lookat)*
osAvatarPlayAnimation(key avatar, string animation)
osAvatarStopAnimation(key avatar, string animation)
key osAvatarName2Key(string firstname, string lastname)
string osKey2Name(key id)

second: Function overloading, used by the osTeleportAgent functions:

Besides the issues mentioned above, regarding System.String and
LSL_String, the three functions appears to utilise method overloading,
based on the fact that the compiler generates C#, and C# treats the call
signature as part of id, whereas LSL solely uses the function name. Is
Core proposing that LSL should be extended to support overloaded
methods, or should the functions be renamed in order to avoid the name

osTeleportAgent(key agent, vector position, vector lookat)*
osTeleportAgent(key agent, string regionName, vector position, vector
osTeleportAgent(key agent, integer regionX, integer regionY, vector
position, vector lookat)*
osTeleportAgent(key agent, vector position, vector lookat)*
osTeleportAgentToNamedRegion(key agent, string regionName, vector
position, vector lookat)*
osTeleportAgentToGridLocation(key agent, integer regionX, integer
regionY, vector position, vector lookat)*

Third: use of double
LSL does not have a double value, lsl floats are single precision.

osSetRegionWaterHeight(float height)
integer osTerrainSetHeight(integer x, integer y, float val)
osRegionRestart(float seconds)
osSetRegionSunSettings(integer useEstateSun, integer sunFixed, float
osSetEstateSunSettings(integer sunFixed, float sunHour)*
float osGetCurrentSunHour()
float osSunGetParam(string param)
osSunSetParam(string param, float value)
double osList2Double(LSL_Types.list src, int index)**

Fourth: Use of bool
LSL does not have an explicit bool type, integers are overloaded to also
work as boolean values.

key osSetDynamicTextureURLBlendFace(key dynamicID, string contentType,
string url, string extraParams, integer blend, integer disp, integer
timer, integer alpha, integer face)*
integer osConsoleCommand(string command)
osSetRegionSunSettings(integer useEstateSun, integer sunFixed, float
osSetEstateSunSettings(integer sunFixed, float sunHour)*

Fifth: Use of uint
LSL does not have unsigned integer types.
osTeleportAgent(key agent, integer regionX, integer regionY, vector
position, vector lookat)

Sixth: use of UUID
Oddball function, explicitly using UUID as the parameter rather than
osSetRot(key target, Quaternion rotation)

Seventh: use of Sleep
Sleep is pretty inconsistently used, currently it is only used for
osTeleportAgent (5000 millis). In the llxxxx api library sleep is used
llSetPos (200 millis),
llSetRot (200 millis),
llSetLocalRot (200 millis),
llRezAtRoot (caculated depending on mass and velocity),
llInstantMessage(2000 millis),
llCreateLink (1000 millis),
llRemoteLoadScriptPin (3000 millis)

All other sleeps in the llxxxx api has been out-commented.

Although sleep is not strictly part of the function definition, per se.,
their implementation should be transparent to the user, in order to
better decide on a specific design, what are the plans for dealing with
script delays?

All of this leads to this suggestion as the functions proper signature:

integer osTerrainSetHeight(integer x, integer y, float val)
float osTerrainGetHeight(integer x, integer y)
osRegionRestart(float seconds)
osRegionNotice(string msg)
osSetRot(key target, Quaternion rotation)

key osSetDynamicTextureURL(key dynamicID, string contentType, string
url, string extraParams, int timer)
key osSetDynamicTextureURLBlend(key dynamicID, string contentType,
string url, string extraParams, int timer, int alpha)
key osSetDynamicTextureURLBlendFace(key dynamicID, string contentType,
string url, string extraParams, bool blend, int disp, int timer, int
alpha, int face)
key osSetDynamicTextureData(key dynamicID, string contentType, string
data, string extraParams, int timer)
key osSetDynamicTextureDataBlend(key dynamicID, string contentType,
string data, string extraParams, int timer, int alpha)
key osSetDynamicTextureDataBlendFace(string dynamicID, string
contentType, string data, string extraParams, bool blend, int disp, int
timer, int alpha, int face)
osTeleportAgent(key agent, vector position, vector lookat)
osTeleportAgentToNamedRegion(key agent, string regionName, vector
position, vector lookat)
osTeleportAgentToGridLocation(key agent, integer regionX, integer
regionY, vector position, vector lookat)
integer osConsoleCommand(string command)
osSetPrimFloatOnWater(integer floatYN)
string osGetAgentIP(key agent)
list osGetAgents()
osAvatarPlayAnimation(key avatar, string animation)
osAvatarStopAnimation(key avatar, string animation)
string osMovePen(string drawList, integer x, integer y)
string osDrawLine(string drawList, integer startX, integer startY,
integer endX, integer endY)
string osDrawLine(string drawList, integer endX, integer endY)
string osDrawText(string drawList, string text)
string osDrawEllipse(string drawList, integer width, integer height)
string osDrawRectangle(string drawList, integer width, integer height)
string osDrawFilledRectangle(string drawList, integer width, integer
string osDrawFilledPolygon(string drawList, list x, list y)
string osDrawPolygon(string drawList, list x, list y)
string osSetFontSize(string drawList, integer fontSize)
string osSetFontName(string drawList, string fontName)
string osSetPenSize(string drawList, integer penSize)
string osSetPenColour(string drawList, string colour)
string osSetPenCap(string drawList, string direction, string type)
string osDrawImage(string drawList, integer width, integer height,
string imageUrl)
vector osGetDrawStringSize(string contentType, string text, string
fontName, integer fontSize)
osSetStateEvents(integer events)
osSetRegionWaterHeight(float height)
osSetRegionSunSettings(integer useEstateSun, integer sunFixed, float
osSetEstateSunSettings(integer sunFixed, float sunHour)
float osGetCurrentSunHour()
float osSunGetParam(string param)
osSunSetParam(string param, float value)
string osWindActiveModelPluginName()
osWindParamSet(string plugin, string param, float value)
osWindParamGet(string plugin, string param)
float osList2Double(list src, int index)   -- should exist, comment in
the code suggests it should be removed
osSetParcelMediaURL(string url)
osSetParcelSIPAddress(string SIPAddress)
string osGetScriptEngineName()
string osGetSimulatorVersion()
osMessageObject(key objectUUID, string message)
osMakeNotecard(string notecardName, list contents)
string osGetNotecardLine(string name, integer line)
string osGetNotecard(string name)
integer osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(string name)
key osAvatarName2Key(string firstname, string lastname)
string osKey2Name(key id)
string osGetGridNick()
string osGetGridName()
string osGetGridLoginURI()
string osFormatString(string str, list strings)
list osMatchString(string src, string pattern, integer start)
string osLoadedCreationDate()
string osLoadedCreationTime()
key osLoadedCreationID()
list osGetLinkPrimitiveParams(integer linknumber, list rules)
key osNpcCreate(string firstname, string lastname, vector position,
vector cloneFrom)
osNpcMoveTo(key npc, vector position)
osNpcSay(key npc, string message)
osNpcRemove(key npc)

So what do you think?

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