I've written iGoogle gadgets prior to OpenSocial, but not one yet for
OpenSocial.  In the past, if I wanted to store data pertinent to the
gadget for the user I'd have to store it in prefs as a hidden pref.
However, data storage there is limited to 2K of data.

So in my search for data storage in the OpenSocial arena, I found
and this:

I also found the new editor for opensocial gadgets at
http://code.google.com/apis/gadgets/docs/tools.html, dropped in some
code I found that is used for unit testing the API (http://
osapi/appdata.xml?spec=svn1138&r=1138).  It ran fine in the gadget
running in igoogle up to just past the point where I grabbed the
viewer's ID via "osapi.people.getViewer().execute(function
(getViewerResponse){ id = getViewerResponse.id})".  When the code
called the "osapi.appdata.get({keys: ['osapi-appdata-test']})" or the
"osapi.appdata.update({data: {'osapi-appdata-test':'someValue'}})", I
received the same error each time.  Error 500: Internal Error.

What am I missing?  Is appdata the wrong thing to use?  Am I using it

My ultimate goal is to store data per consumer of the widget in a
persistent location.
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