Below is an amended proposal. Timer is not reset as it essentially
clarifies the discussion so far.

Required release binding:
    Patch binding for the announcement and marking as Obsolete.
    Minor binding for the removal.

1. Introduction
   1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
        EOF legacy processor type truth values

   1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
        Venky TV

   1.3. Date of This Document:
        June 04, 2010

4. Technical Description:

    4.1. Details:

         This projects aims to remove processor type truth values in
         /usr/bin which are no longer relevant -- namely, i286, i860,
         iAPX286, m68k, mc68000, mc68010, mc68020, mc68030, mc68040,
         sun2, sun3, sun3x, sun4, sun4c, sun4d, sun4e, u370, u3b, u3b15,
         u3b2, u3b5, vax and pdp11

         Since none of these platforms are supported by the current
         release of Solaris, these executable always return a non-zero
         exit code.  Any utility still depending on these executables
         for processor type checks will continue working as expected
         (with some extra error messages) as "command not found" equates
         to "false" as far as the exit codes are concerned.

         As an exception, support for sun4m is still being retained
         because it is possible that a script which is also designed to
         run on Solaris 9 (a release that supports sun4m) might possibly
         benefit from not encountering "command not found" error
         messages.  Once Solaris 9 is EOL'd, the sun4m binary can be

    4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):

         6958555 Remove processor type truth which are no longer relevant

    4.5. Interfaces:

         The following interfaces will be deleted:


    4.6. Doc Impact:

         The man pages for each of these utilities will be removed.

          iAPX286.1 i286.1  i860.1  pdp11.1 u3b.1
          u3b2.1    u3b5.1  u3b15.i vax.i   u370.1

    4.10. Packaging & Delivery:

          All these are part of the SUNWcs package.  There is no impact
          on install/upgrade.

6. Resources and Schedule:
   6.4. Product Approval Committee requested information:
        6.4.1. Consolidation or Component Name:

   6.5. ARC review type:

   6.6. ARC Exposure:
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