Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get OpenSolaris b64 running on an Asus Terminator C3 (which uses 
a Via C3 processor). I was able to install OpenSolaris, grab the appropriate 
ethernet drivers from http://homepage2.nifty.com/mrym3/taiyodo/eng/, and get 
everything set up. However, when I went to run it sans PS2 keyboard, the 
machine hung during boot.

The first thing I did was add -v to the kernel boot arguments for GRUB; the 
last line I get on the console during startup this way is a message about 
successfully loading uhci1. (When the keyboard is plugged in with the -v boot 
option, I see uhci2 and uhci3 scroll by.) This lead me to believe the USB 
support was the problem. I tried disabling the USB support in the BIOS 
(initially, just disabling legacy USB support, and eventually disabling USB 
entirely), only to have OpenSolaris hang at the same point in the boot process, 
sans uhci modules loading.

After this, I figured I'd try setting up the kernel debugger with a watchdog 
timer, and take a look at the callstack to at least give me a wild guess as to 
what's wrong. I changed the GRUB menu.lst kernel parameters to -kdv, and 
entered the following into the debugger:
moddebug/W 0x80000000
snooping/W 0x1

And then I hit enter and pulled the keyboard plug out as quickly as I can. 
Sometimes it boots successfully (I didn't unplug the keyboard fast enough) and 
sometimes it hangs at the same spot, but the watchdog timer never seems to kick 
in. I've tweaked the snoop_interval as well, but even waiting an hour hasn't 
yielded a debug break. Plugging in the keyboard at this point does nothing - I 
can't for the life of me get into the debugger while it's hung!

Does anyone have any better suggestions on how to run this machine without a 
keyboard physically attached? I feel like I've got a chicken-and-egg problem, 
because I can't actually type when the problem occurs.

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