On Wed, 15 Aug 2007, Alan Burlison wrote:

> Joerg Schilling wrote:
>> It is better to have clean decisions instead of moving away because of noise.
> Agreed.
>> I can currrently live with the current level of newbe noise and I am in hope
>> that an official OpenSolaris helpdesk would reduce the amount of traffic in
>> this list.
> There is one as Keith pointed out, it is called opensolaris-help.
> However until we start directing people there, they won't start using it.

   I wonder... How many experts sit around trolling *-help lists looking
   for an opportunity to help a newbie in need?

   Not too many in my experience.  If you can't help, just don't
   answer.  The subject line usually provides a clue for me as to
   whether a given thread will be 'interesting' or not.

   The vast majority of messages in the two dozen or so mailing lists
   I'm subscribed to (including LKML) do not interest me, though there
   is that occasion gem.  However, I do not bother posting messages to
   any them explaining how uninteresting I find a given problem/subject
   to be.  Posting help messages in non-help groups hardly seems to be
   a phenomenon unique to the solaris lists.

Jon Trulson
#include <std/disclaimer.h>
"No Kill I" -Horta

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