On Wed, 31 Oct 2007, Joerg Schilling wrote:

> "Shawn Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> More than 2 years ago, we did agreee that noone except Sun has the
>>> right to call a distro "OpenSolaris" and that Sun shoul/would not do this.
>>> I have no problem if Sun would start to publish something called:
>>> "Sun OpenSolaris ...."
>>> I have problems if this was not labelled with "Sun" as this would cause
>>> harm to other existing OpenSolaris based distributions.
>> I have yet to see any qualifying statements that indicate exactly
>> *how* other distributions would be harmed.
> How about trying to prove that there is no such harm?

   How could that possibly be done?

> It is obvious that if Sun calls a distro "OpenSolaris", many people believe
> that this is the one and only.

   FWIW, as a third party that develops software on Solaris, I would
   welcome an 'OpenSolaris Reference' distribution.

   Without it, we would be forced to choose one or two of the dists
   available to try to officially support, much as we have to do now on

Happy cheese in fear                 | Jon Trulson
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Brocolli, hostage.       -Unknown    | #include <std/disclaimer.h>
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