All SXCE releases contain the SXDE installer (and I believe the extra tools),
they just haven't gone through the same extended test cycles & respins with
fixes that SXDE releases do.   If you choose the SXDE installer, you'll get
build 77 installed SXDE-style, but with all the newer bits not in the SXDE 9/07
release (which was build 70b).

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

Mark Drummond wrote:
> I just downloaded the DVD for SXCR build 77. It appears to include SXDE
> as well. Is this SXDE 9/07?
> It's a bit confusing because, from the SXDE web pages, I can download an
> SXDE 9/07 DVD, OR I can download an SXCR build 70b DVD. Only, they are
> the same DVD. Different download web pages in SDLC, but the download in
> both cases consists of 3 files which are named the same and are the same
> sizes.
> Now, more confusion. With the build 77 DVD I just downloaded, when I
> select SXDE from the grub boot menu, it boots a build 77 kernel. Is this
> going to install a build 77 based SXDE? Or is it using the the build 77
> kernel during the install but I will actually end up with a build 70b
> based SXDE 9/07?
> Just trying to sort out the spaghetti.
> Thanks,
> Mark
> -- 
> Georgia: Why am I not doing what they're doing?
> Rube: Because you're doing what you're doing. When it's time for you to
> do something else you'll do that.
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