David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> (truth time: I'm going to be *so* happy when there's a decent ZFS 
> implementation in Linux and I can ditch this archaic pile of kludges.)


I too am from a linux world, moving to Solaris because of zfs.

Sure - things are different, and some of the default configurations and
settings are seemingly "old". My take on this is that Solaris tries very
hard to be backwards compatible, so things will work out-of-the box on
current and older versions of the O/S.

The "truth" is that you need to roll with it more, rather than trying to
 treat Solaris like Linux. Learn how to do what you want/need to do in
the environment you have to work in. There's no point getting annoyed
wityh it - it ain't gonna change any time soon!


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