On Sat, 17 Jan 2009, Joerg Schilling wrote:

> casper....@sun.com wrote:
>> For some time I had "gtar" as my tar but it was broken too often (it
>> doesn't properly unpack certain archives I encountered)
> A serious problem with GNU tar is that it is unreliable and in a signficant
> number of cases is unable to read back it's own archives.

   I've 'heard' you say that on a number of occasions... I've been
   using gnu tar for about 15 years or so, on everything from FreeBSD
   to IBM AIX, and I've never had the problems you mention.

>>> If so, then I think it would be best to find the top 5-10 most requested GNU
>>> userland features (e.g. "tar z") and implement them in the Solaris userland
>>> ASAP. This would give almost guaranteed 100% backwards compatibility with
>>> previous Solaris versions and "good enough" compatibility with Linux.
> Roughly at the same time as GNU tar introduced -z, star introduced
> auto-decompression. Why do you like to know about this detail if the tar
> implementation could to this for you automagically based on the compression
> header magic numbers?

   This has always annoyed me too (need for -z or -j in gtar).  But I
   guess the option(s) would still be needed in order to create a
   compressed tar file anyway.

Happy cheese in fear                 | Jon Trulson
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