On 18/04/2011, at 8:58 PM, joerg.schill...@fokus.fraunhofer.de wrote:

Glynn Foster <glynn.fos...@oracle.com> wrote:

I expected the event would be more like "live TV show", rather than
audio only and static slides...

Almost nothing about S11 release date...

You aren't going to get a specific date from Oracle. The public date
at this stage is 2nd half of 2011 as is mentioned in any of the public

Then it would be of interest to know the background for the event.
From I can tell, there have been no new infos and what people would have been
interested in, e.g.:

-       when will Solaris 11 be released?

-       what will be the future license situation?

have not been answered.

Those are the questions that you (and probably others on the list are most interested in). There's a lot of folks who don't have any detail about Solaris 11, and are interested in hearing on the lead up to the launch.

(contrary to popular opinion, we didn't organize the event just for opensolaris.org folks....)


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