On 10/18/11 07:37 AM, John Martin wrote:
On 10/17/11 13:38, Bruno Damour wrote:

I has tried with console=text but not the correct option as it seems ;-)
console=text still uses bitmapped graphics.  From the heads up message:

Solaris now has support for high resolution and color depth consoles.
By default, your machine will boot using a 1024x768x16-bit console, unless
your video card doesn't support it in which case it will fall back to
800x600 and finally 640x480.

The type of console (and also the old VGA TEXT 640x480 console) can be
controlled through both kernel parameters and GRUB directives:

    -B console={text|graphics|force-text}

selects the type of booting console. 'text' and 'graphics' both select a
high resolution console, while force-text selects the old VGA TEXT
console. ...

Is there still a public list of heads up and fag day messages?


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