On 10/13/2010 03:42 AM, WolfPup Lowenhar wrote:
> On the subject of the reason for killing test here is another reason
> that I have attached this is from a full build I did today. The error
> listed in the file is actually coded around and in visual studio you
> have to set that test to not treat warnings as errors so that it will
> not fail!
I tried removing the skip line to re-enable the test, like so:

    *diff -r 27535365bd4c indra/llmath/tests/m3math_test.cpp*
    --- a/indra/llmath/tests/m3math_test.cpp    Fri Oct 08 01:13:23 2010 +0200
    +++ b/indra/llmath/tests/m3math_test.cpp    Wed Oct 13 13:16:30 2010 +0200
    @@ -280,7 +280,6 @@
                llmat_obj.setRows(llvec1, llvec2, llvec3);
    -           skip("Grr, LLMatrix3::orthogonalize test is failing.  Has it 
ever worked?");
                ensure("LLMatrix3::orthogonalize failed ",
                       is_approx_equal(0.19611613f, llmat_obj.mMatrix[0][0]) &&
                       is_approx_equal(0.78446454f, llmat_obj.mMatrix[0][1]) &&

On my system that test seems to work fine after that:

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH += ['/home/das-g/slsrc/hg/build/build/llcommon', 
'/usr/lib', '/usr/local/lib']
    Running: /home/das-g/slsrc/hg/build/build/llmath/INTEGRATION_TEST_m3math
    Unit test group_started name=m3math_h
    Unit test group_completed name=m3math_h
        Total Tests:    13
        Passed Tests:   13      YAY!! \o/

Maybe someone has fixed LLMatrix3::orthogonalize but forgot to re-enable
the test? Or is LLMatrix3::orthogonalize behaving differently on
different platforms? (That should affect quaternion calculations and
auto-leveling in Flycam mode, so it's unlikely to go unnoticed.)

Anyway, would be good if others could re-enable the test, too, and see
whether it also passes for them.


PS: LLMatrix3::orthogonalize is a bit of a misnomer. Without having
looked at its code (just at input and desired output in the test) it
seems to orthogonalize *and* normalize (or "ortho*normalize*" for
short). Should the method be renamed to reflect this?
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