I'm out of the office today and tomorrow, but will definitely be looking into these patches and remaining issues on Wednesday. Thanks a ton for helping us out!


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 25, 2010, at 10:27 AM, "WolfPup Lowenhar" <wolfpu...@earthlink.net > wrote:

Just so everyone knows I’m building on Windows 7 32-bit and both if the tests that Boroondas mentions are actually memory leaking BADLY( test ballons to nearly 1GB of mem usage) on my system just before cr ashing or I terminated the process.

From: opensource-dev-boun...@lists.secondlife.com [mailto:opensource- dev-boun...@lists.secondlife.com] On Behalf Of Boroondas Gupte
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 10:02 AM
To: Nyx Linden
Cc: opensource-dev
Subject: [opensource-dev] (standalone/64-bit) build issues with Mesh viewer source code (and fixes for some of them. Yay!)

So ... I've been busy during the weeking poking the mesh viewer source code with a stick g++ and can report some results. It seems quite some of the issues were (re)introduced by mistakes in merge conflict resolution. Some others are new. Here are the one's I've filed issues for already:

CTS-314: Fix of VWR-20810 / SNOW-503 (Quote EXE_STAGING_DIR to prevent it failing with some paths) lost in merge

VWR-20810 was fixed at b987077e9bbb, but it looks like the fix got lost in the merge at 538a49313042.
Ready for review
CTS-315: -march=pentium4 may not be used for 64bit builds

Started discussion on the mailing list about how to fix this correctly
Until that's decided, work around with
· sed '175 s/-march=pentium4 //' -i indra/cmake/00-Common.cm ake
when building 64-bit.

CTS-318: Fix of VWR-20809 / SNOW-504 (Do not depend on stage_thirds_party_libs for a standalone build.) lost in merge

VWR-20809 was fixed at c5ddd1e361ae , but it looks like the fix got lost in the merge at 538a49313042.
Ready for review
CTS-319: Fix of VWR-20670 / SNOW-506 (Protection on LLInstanceTracker base in LLEventTimer needs to be public for gcc >4.1) lost in merge

VWR-20670 was fixed at 20860bbd5cae, but it looks like the fix got lost in the merge at ad384ab52275.
Ready for review
CTS-320: use system zlib for standalone

Fixed, using the same pattern as already used elsewhere in the code
Noticed some mistakes in the fix and corrected those
Ready for review
CTS-323: Don't cast pointers to U32

Fixed by using uintptr_t instead.
This type isn't part of the current C++ standard (might become part of the next), but it's already used elsewhere in the code, so I assume all of our build platforms support it.
Ready for review

Now I'm stuck at where it won't find the new libraries, even when I build and install them. I guess some CMake glue for standalone is still missing. (Or maybe I should just wait for auto-build?)

Also, when tests are enabled, one of them errors out. That's right, it's not even failing. :-P

Running: /usr/bin/python ${SRC_DIR}/indra/llmessage/tests/ test_llsdmessage_peer.py ${BUILD_DIR}/llmessage/ INTEGRATION_TEST_llsdmessage
Unit test group_started name=llsdmessage
Failed to catch N11LLEventPump11DupPumpNameE
Failure running: /usr/bin/python ${SRC_DIR}/indra/llmessage/tests/ test_llsdmessage_peer.py ${BUILD_DIR}/llmessage/ INTEGRATION_TEST_llsdmessage
Error: 245
make[2]: *** [llmessage/INTEGRATION_TEST_llsdmessage] Error 245
make[1]: *** [llmessage/CMakeFiles/INTEGRATION_TEST_llsdmessage.dir/ all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
Wolfpup observed that INTEGRATION_TEST_llcapabilitylistener also has runtime issues.


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