
The warnings in your build log relate to the error_code library in the Boost.System library. They're a side effect of the design decision made in the library which I will spare you details of (more info on it here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_41_0/libs/system/doc/reference.html#Class-error%5Fcategory )

If you aren't using the definitions you're getting the warnings about, try including the following lines of code before including the header file:


Kind regards,
Cinder Roxley

On 7/12/2012 5:09 AM, CJ Davies wrote:
I'm trying to get the viewer to read data from an Arduino via serial
(long story...). I'm using Boost for this.

So far I have changed the Boost prebuilt in autobuild.xml to this one
after a conversation with LightDrake on #opensl on freenode;


then added a boost_thread line to indra/cmake/Boost.cmake & added

This allows the .h & .cpp files that implement the serial functionality
to be added to the build & successfully built, however when I try to
include one of these header files in llviewerjoystick.h the build fails

This is the file that I am trying to #include in llviewerjoystick.h -->

This is the output of the build --> http://paste2.org/p/2071087

I assume there isn't actually anything wrong with the code & I'm just
still missing part of Boost that I need. Can anybody help me identify this?

CJ Davies
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