On May 18, 2016 at 5:40:18 PM, Callum Prentice (Callum) (cal...@lindenlab.com 
<mailto:cal...@lindenlab.com> ) wrote:
Digesting all the suggestions here - thank you.

Intrigued by Nicky's suggestion, I am currently trying to build CEF directly 
via Chromium - first attempt is without the extra flags (proprietary_codecs=1 
ffmpeg_branding=Chrome).  Building the branch in use in the viewer failed with 
a bunch of errors - fixable but there were just too many. Still not sure *why* 
it fails - I would expect specifying a branch would chckout and build a tagged 
point in the repo that built.  Maybe because I'm on a slightly older Xcode and 
on 10.10 vs 10.11? 

Now trying the tip for OS X /64bit (only have my OS X box with me today) - if 
this works (on 9856 of 15438 files) then I have high hopes we can build it with 
the flags switched on for the platforms and bit widths we care about.

Do people agree that this would be the best solution?  It would, I think play 
media URLs directly in the CEF plugin like Chrome does and of course, allow us 
to support embedded media.

I think it’s a little heavy to run a browser instance to play a video.

Cinder Roxley
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