We nuked that whole project and set volume directly on Windows using 
waveOutSetVolume(HWAVEOUT, DWORD).

The shim is only needed up to XP and is completely unnecessary with the 
availability of WASAPI in Vista and above.
Cinder Roxley
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On November 30, 2016 at 7:36:24 PM, Callum Linden (cal...@lindenlab.com 
<mailto:cal...@lindenlab.com> ) wrote:

Thanks so much for the speedy reply Cinder. I hoped that was the case and the 
build seems okay without it. 

The other perplexing one is for the winmm_shim project. For 64 bit builds it 
fails with a bunch of unresolved externals which look to be related to MMX 
intrinsic maybe. Not at my computer right now and haven't really started to 
investigate but if that rings s bell after your work, please do let me know. 


On Nov 30, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Cinder Roxley <cin...@alchemyviewer.org 
<mailto:cin...@alchemyviewer.org> > wrote:

It’s not needed. We dropped it in Alchemy when adding 64-bit support, and it 
continues to run fine. /FIXED:NO just ensures that code can be position 
independent. Maybe at some point this was needed a long time ago for apr 
hijinks or Windows98 compatibility or something of that nature, but you can 
safely remove it.

Cinder Roxley
Sent with Airmail

On November 30, 2016 at 6:55:37 PM, Callum Prentice (Callum) 
(cal...@lindenlab.com <mailto:cal...@lindenlab.com> ) wrote:

I'm working with Nat Linden on the 64 bit viewer build and we've been 
encountering an odd error - A number of projects in 64 bit only configurations 
have an entry for "Force Includes" files set to XED:NO.  Nothing on Google so 
we were stumped for a while but eventually tracked it down to a number of lines 
in CMakeLists.txt files of the form: add_definitions(/FIXED:NO). Evidently, /FI 
is the compiler command to include a forced header file - hence the XED:NO 
entry. You can see one here: 

The FIXED command is evidently for the linker and not the compiler but I'm not 
sure (a) if it's needed or (b) if it is, how to direct it at the right place.

Has anyone else encountered this and already and figured it out?


​Callum Prentice
| Software Engineer

LINDEN LAB | Create Virtual Experiences <http://www.lindenlab.com/> 

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