Mine has 6GB and was relatively inexpensive ($211 USD)

As far as the viewer, I think the best way to go would be to bite the bullet 
and rework those to use size_t. 
Cinder Roxley
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On December 15, 2016 at 7:03:58 PM, Callum Prentice (Callum) 
(cal...@lindenlab.com <mailto:cal...@lindenlab.com> ) wrote:

Yep - I saw a lot of memory related texture references too - I don't know if 
cards these days have more than 4GB of video memory - definitely a possibility 
soon if not already.

On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 5:01 PM, Niran <desmoulins.u...@googlemail.com 
<mailto:desmoulins.u...@googlemail.com> > wrote:
Funny, i just so happened to stumble across this a few days ago when i had this 
mindblowing realization that this might be the cause for the Viewer not 
properly reporting VRAM over 4gb but i don't happen to have a 4+gb VRAM GPU so 
i wouldn't be able to test anything i do and ultimately dropped the idea of 
touching it for now.

2016-12-15 20:13 GMT+01:00 Callum Prentice (Callum) <cal...@lindenlab.com 
<mailto:cal...@lindenlab.com> >:

I'm taking a look at https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41029and whilst it 
seems straightforward, it seems to be unraveling into something that touches 
dozens of files and I wondered if someone had done this work already.

There is a lot usage of 32 bit types (U32Bytes, U32Megabytes etc.) defined 
indirectly here: 


that are used to count memory sizes/usage/difference etc.  I think we can 
convert them to their U64 equivalents for all viewers. 

Nat points out, rewriting this code using size_t as a return type would make 
more sense but that seems like it would involve more invasive code changes 
including changes in fundamental LL headers.

What does the collective wisdom say?

CALLUM PRENTICE | Software Engineer

LINDEN LAB | Create Virtual Experiences <http://www.lindenlab.com/> 

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CALLUM PRENTICE | Software Engineer

LINDEN LAB | Create Virtual Experiences <http://www.lindenlab.com/> 

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