On Wed, 21 Mar 2018 16:59:58 +1000, Alex wrote:

> Just a quick question about the above. In the list for 
> target_link_libraries, the first two make sense to me, but what is 'cef' 
> referring to? is it libcef.so?

Yes, under Linux, ld uses the provided library <name> and searches for
<name>, lib<name>.so, lib<name>.a, etc...

But your problem was related to a bad call in your plugin (did you read
my message dated Wed, 21 Mar 2018 00:43:41 +0100 ?).

In media_plugin_cef.cpp, simply replace the calls to:
set*Callback(boost:bind(&MediaPluginCEF::on*Callback..., _1, ...))
                      std::placeholders::_1, ...))

Or (to keep the boost interface and C++98 compatibility) use my plugin
and Dullahan versions, but you can't mix LL's C++11 Dullahan with the old
boost-wrapped calls in the CEF plugin.

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