On 08/13/2014 08:27 AM, Erwann Abalea wrote in part:

> the question isn't "should we tolerate it?", but "what do the sacred 
> scriptures ask compliant implementation to do?"

What sacred scriptures are we talking about here?  I'm not an 
expert, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought RFC stood 
for "Request for Comments" not «Demand for Kadavergehorsamkeit»

In the world I live in, yes, there are some people who care 
only about scriptural exegesis.  Meanwhile, there are some 
other people who care about doing what makes sense, doing 
what best serves the interests of the user community.

In any case, it is hard to find any reading of rfc5280 that
disallows /.foo.com/ as a pattern.  Adding stuff to the left
of /.foo.bar/ should count as adding stuff to the left.  So
AFAICT we are not discussing the spiritual purity of the
existing openssl-1.0.1i code;  as the famous anecdote says,
we are just haggling over the price.

If anybody wants my comments on this Request-for-Comments:
  a) We need both wildcard /and/ non-wildcard forms, so that
   users can express what they want.
  b) If taken too literally, the text of rfc5280 does not
   allow sufficient expressive power.
  c) AFAICT /.foo.com/ works OK as a wildcard.
   Similarly, /foo.com/ works fine as a non-wildcard.

Significant parts of the user community assume this is how
things already work.  My spiritual advisor says that sometimes
it is OK to amend the RFC.

> This one is a root, so this extension shouldn't be taken into
> account. This clearly written in RFC5280 section,

Maybe I'm missing something, but that's not entirely clear.

As I read it, name constraints should not be applied 
  /when checking the validity of the self-signature/
but that does not mean that root CAs are completely forbidden
from having name constraints.  The constraints are applied
to /everything else/ signed by that CA.
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