On 4/13/17, 5:58 PM, "openssl-dev on behalf of Richard Levitte" 
<openssl-dev-boun...@openssl.org on behalf of levi...@openssl.org> wrote:

    deengert> > uri> $ openssl rsautl -engine pkcs11 -keyform ENGINE -decrypt 
    deengert> > 
"pkcs11:manufacturer=piv_II;object=KEY%20MAN%20key;type=private" -oaep
    deengert> > -in t256.dat.enc -out t256.dat.dec

Replacing, as Richard suggested, rsautl with pkeyutl resulted in a successful 
decryption of the previously encrypted message:

$ openssl pkeyutl -engine pkcs11 -keyform ENGINE -decrypt -inkey 
"pkcs11:manufacturer=piv_II;object=KEY%20MAN%20key;type=private" -pkeyopt 
rsa_padding_mode:oaep -in t256.dat.enc -out t256.dat.dec
engine "pkcs11" set.
Enter PKCS#11 token PIN for PIV Card Holder pin (PIV_II):
$ cmp t256.dat t256.dat.dec 

    . . . . . rsautl is a poor choice, as it uses the RSA
    API.  For something more general and with a whole lot more
    functionality, pkeyutl is the better choice.

Your suggestion worked perfectly – I didn’t even need to provide any 
parameters, besides specifying the padding mode.

Does it mean that rsautl is pretty much deprecated, and pkeyutl superseded it? 
Or is it still worth bringing it “up to snuff”?

    Incidently, for decryption, it will end up calling exactly the code
    you're citing,

( What a coincidence!

    and with -pkeyopt, you can specify the padding mode and
    its necessary data.

Yep, and thanks for the great suggestion! Now whether rsautl.c is fixed or not 
- is no longer critical (though since it’s still included in the codebase, 
perhaps it could be made more capable?).


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