I’m sorry to report that in the current OpenSSL 1.1 master running “make test” 
freezes up the machine. Mac OS X 10.11.6, Xcode-8.2, current Github master. 
Here’s the configuration:


./Configure darwin64-x86_64-cc enable-threads enable-shared enable-zlib 
enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 enable-rfc3779 enable-rc5 enable-tls1_3 
--prefix=/Users/uri/src/openssl-1.1 --openssldir=/Users/uri/src/openssl-1.1/etc


Then of course “make depend && make clean && make all && make test”


../test/recipes/90-test_ige.t ................. ok   

../test/recipes/90-test_memleak.t ............. ok   

../test/recipes/90-test_overhead.t ............ skipped: Only supported in 
no-shared builds

../test/recipes/90-test_secmem.t .............. 


At this point the machine has to be power-cycled.





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