patrick engel wrote:
> Hi,
> First, thanks for providing an open source
> implementation of SSL.  The package built with no
> problems on my Linux box.
> I have been running some bench marks for assymetric
> key encryption.  Using RSA yeilds some very long
> encryption and decryption times.
> I'm using a 2048 bit key since strong encryption is
> required for my app.  I'm encrypting relatively large
> files (10mb and eventually much larger).
> It takes 5 mins to encrypt and an hour+ to decrypt.
> Another package using DH Elgamal takes a fraction of
> the time.  I am aware that the RSA libs are mainly
> used for smaller data sets.
> Sanity check: I need a very secure algo but it needs
> to be fast on large data sets.  What is the best way
> through openssl?  Any examples?

As has been indicated RSA is not suitable for bulk encryption. You
typically use RSA to encrypt a secret symmetric key and use the
symmetric algorithm for bulk encryption.

If you are handling large files then OpenSSL PKCS#7 isn't currently much
use because the whole thing has to be in memory at some point.

However you can use the EVP_Seal*() and EVP_Open*() functions for this,
see the manual pages.

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Senior crypto engineer, Celo Communications:
Core developer of the   OpenSSL project:
Business Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP key: via homepage.

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