I've discovered a possible {bug,something unexpected} in BN_dec2bn() in 
bn_print.c. I'll call it my "problem" until confirmed.

System info in case it matters:
Linux dollar 2.4.18-14 #1 Wed Sep 4 12:13:11 EDT 2002 i686 athlon i386 

The problem is when doing the following:
  char buf[1024];
  BIGNUM *u;

  u = BN_new();
  ...code that sets buf to have a number in it , like fgets() from a file....
  BN_dec2bn(u, buf);
  ...code to get another number, i.e. fgets in a loop through a file...

The problem seems to be calling BN_dec2bn with an already allocated BIGNUM 
that's been previously used.  Inside BN_dec2bn the code is something like:
int BN_dec2bn(BIGNUM **bn, const char *a){
  BIGNUM *ret = NULL;
  if(*bn == NULL){
   ret = BN_new();
  } else {
   ret = *bn;
   BN_zero(ret);   // Call this line a
  .. yadada ..
  while(*a) {
       BN_mul_word(ret,BN_DEC_CONV);  //call this line b
       BN_add_word(ret, l);
  *bn = ret;

This function appears to want to decide whether or not the parameter bn has 
already been allocated.  If not, allocated a fresh BIGNUM.  If so, zero out 
the bignum (e.g. line a).  However, BN_zero() doesn't actually zero out all 
of the BIGNUM structure, i.e.  d[1-top] isn't zeroed out, only d[0] in struct 

The problem seems to be manifested in BN_dec2bn() because of the BN_mul_words 
and BN_add_words (e.g. line b).  Since the upper parts of d aren't cleared 
out, those routines end up adding to whatever junk happened to be left in d 
from the previous iteration.

Calling BN_dec2bn with BIGNUM *a = NULL of course fixes my problem.

Is this a bug? It certainly seems like the code is attempting to accept the 
case I gave it.  If you need more extensive examples, let me know.

-david brumley
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